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DB/C Consulting Services

DB/C or DATABUS (currently referred to as the PL/B language) is a high-level language that is in use in many different industries at organizations all over the world. It was originally developed by the Datapoint Corporation; however, the current largest vendors of DB/C compilers are Subject Wills and Sunbelt.

Hemko has been developing business systems in DB/C for over 25 years. We can assist you in creating new DB/C applications, modify or upgrade existing programs, or provide support for legacy systems.

To contact us about our DB/C consulting services, please click here.


The ITS Group of ExpoExchange manages more than 2 million room nights annually for large conventions and tradeshows. Hemko has been working with ITS for over a decade and the focus in the last two years has been on the internet. More info >>